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Heritage Commission Minutes 10/20/2011
October 20, 2011

Members present: Lucille Noel, Patty Humphrey, Bob & Faye McAnney, Michelle Plunkett
Members Excused: Kate Rafferty-Hall, Jeff Jordan, Barbara Frangione

Treasurer's Report-No change

Old Business

Talk with Jeff about the boundary walk.  It might be getting too late in season. Maybe in the spring.

Grange Hall Windows: Lucille talked with Dave Bowers about windows, since we received the grant.

Selectmen have the grant application for signatures.

Trees on Canterbury Rd. will be down in a couple of weeks.

Michelle will type up Bear Hill scenic road designation.

New Business

Patty donated the amount needed to repair and re-glaze the first Grange Hall window.  Thank you Patty for your most generous donation.

2012 budget (see attached list)

We will write a Warrant for Stone Wall Protection, motions made by Patty & Faye to proceed with this.

Patty has offered to print more Main St. brochures when we need them.

We would like to see if we can get Steve Taylor for a guest speaker.  Maybe partner with Ag. Commission.

Spring Things

Design-A-Banner contest for a Historic Chichester flag.

Our bulb planting is this Saturday.  We have 2000 bulbs, donated by Patty.  Unfortunately, we never heard from District 5, or the State about planting and digging trenches on Main St.  We cannot do this without the State's permission.  We will still plant at the Library, Town/Grange Hall, School.  The Fire Dept. is putting together a planter with their sign.  They will plant some there.  

Lee-Ann Valotto has given Lucille the name of a speaker who restores homes. Lucille will contact.

Library Inventory: Ian Blackman looked at the attic section of the Library.  Some of the beams are cracked and some pegs are missing. There is also water damage.

We will start the Library inventory in January.

Meeting adjourned @ 8:45.

Next meeting November 17th @7:00.

Respectfully Submitted,
Michelle Plunkett